In this (rebroadcast) episode of the Music Teachers Expand Online podcast, host Jaime Slutzky shares insights on how to create a thriving online music course. These same actions can be taken for any online teaching opportunity you're interested in exploring such as Online Music Workshops and digital products.

There is no one right way to create a successful online music course. There are, however, steps you can take now if you want to have an audience ready to buy your online products, even if it’s still just an idea rattling around in your mind.

Jaime has worked with dozens of music teachers and course creators over the past decade and has seen first hand what separates the profitable and successful creators from the creators who flounder.

The five things you can do right now are: Niche your messaging List building Talk with prospective students Design your funnel / student journey Focus on what only you can do and outsource and systematize the rest

Commit to taking action on one of these five things today! Set specific goals and create a plan to implement it. Remember, consistent and focused effort will propel you towards success in the online music education space.

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Connect with Jaime: Instagram Facebook - Book a call with me to discuss your path forward!