In this episode of the Music Teachers Expand Online podcast, host Jaime Slutzky and guest Brocha Kahan discuss how to choose the right topic for an online music course. They stress the importance of selecting a topic that the teacher is passionate about and that meets the needs of their ideal students. It should also solve a big problem or fulfill a strong desire in the music community.

Brocha gives some examples of courses that meet these criteria, including one on preventing injuries when playing violin, a composition course for those who feel creatively stifled, and a facilitation course.

Questions to ask yourself: What do you wish you had time to work on in lessons? What topics can you talk about for hours? What are you and/or your students consistently praised for? Who is your offer for? What is their starting point? What are their frustrations and obstacles? What are their goals and desires? What journey did you go through with the music that gave you a new understanding and passion?

Jaime and Brocha encourage teachers to think deeply about whether a potential course idea is something that is wanted and needed in the market, rather than just something that would be a vanity metric for themselves. They also emphasize the importance of making the course a clear and focused learning experience, rather than trying to cover all of the teacher's knowledge on a particular subject.

Overall, the episode offers practical tips and guidance for music teachers looking to create a successful and impactful online course.

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