Our host, Jaime Slutzky, shares insights on how to create online music courses to increase revenue and build the music studio of your dreams.

The underlying question posed and answered in this episode is why having an online music course an amazing tool and a surefire way to increase revenue for music teachers?

This podcast is sponsored by the Online Music Course Accelerator program which is a comprehensive online program that is designed to help music teachers create successful online music courses that can increase both their top-line and bottom-line revenue. The program offers marketing, tech, mindset, how-to strategy templates, swipe files, and back-end tech support that are tailored specifically for online music courses.

The episode focuses on the five types of online music courses that can be created:

Complimentary courses - courses that complement the lessons being taught, marketed to current and past students

Supplementary courses - courses that supplement other learning materials or modalities, marketed to other people's students or those learning from free resources

Prerequisite courses - courses that establish a baseline for instruction and help students get into the vibe of the studio or teacher quickly

Courses for teachers - courses designed to help other music teachers improve their skills and teaching methods

Courses for family members - courses designed to help family members support the musical development of their loved ones

The episode also briefly touches on the concept of goal-specific courses, which focus on helping students achieve a specific musical goal.

Being a student in the online space is crucial for music teachers looking to expand their business. Jaime provides practical advice on how to be a better student by implementing what you've learned, recording your learnings in one place, and committing to the process.

Connect with Jaime: Instagram Facebook Zoom - Book a call with me to discuss your path forward!

Get your free guide to making money teaching music online here!

Apply for the Online Music Course Accelerator today.