Private lessons are just one of a multitude of ways to teach music online. And chances are, since you’re listening to the Music Teachers: Expand Online podcast right now, you’re looking for a way to scale beyond sessions. 

While there are many ways to scale, they are not all created equal and the path from here to there is curvy on the best of days. So, I’m bringing back this episode from earlier last year all about scaling beyond sessions, so that you can learn the three steps to moving from your current linear revenue model into a dynamic and multi-income path one!

On the podcast today, our host, Jaime Slutzky, shares the three steps that you need in order to scale beyond sessions…

These steps are:  Decide Trust Yourself Create Deadlines

While these are not the hard work that creates scale, they are absolutely paramount to putting in the effort to create the results you seek!

Connect with Jaime: Instagram Facebook Zoom - Book a call with me to discuss your path forward!

Get your free guide to making money teaching music online here!