This episode is the Introduction to The Founders Series.

This is a series of five podcast episodes with the founders of Musicology,, Rock Out Loud Live, and Blink Session Music. This is going to be one of the most powerful series that I have ever done on the podcast -- I'm so excited that you are here to be a part of it.


Sam Reti is the founder of Muzie.Live, an all in one virtual music studio allowing teachers to save time, stay organized and conduct a high quality online hybrid or in person music lessons.

Muzie.Live - Virtual Music Lesson Studio

Michael Grande is the creator of Rock Out Loud Live, the only United States patented virtual platform that captures the entire tonal range of any instrument. Rock Out Loud Live has high definition audio and near zero latency provides a teaching experience unmatched by any other platform.


Rebecca Featherstone is the CEO of Musicology, a peer to peer video conferencing platform that is built to empower the non power user with interactive and collaborative features, bringing down the barrier of the screen and engaging students, lessening teacher exhaustion, and breaking the barrier of online lessons and making it more like an in person lesson.

Musicology - Musicology

Eric DeGrove is the founder of Blink Session Music, a platform that exists to help you as a music teacher succeed in teaching lessons online, creating an easier time taking what you've done in person and transitioning that online. Knowing music teaching is more than just what happens online and that it's more than just that video conference, we take into consideration that it's also about what happens before and after the lesson- homework, appointment reminders, etc.

Blink Session Music - The Future of Music Lessons

About the Series

Any one of these software options can change your business. They give you the confidence that when you teach music lessons online you are giving the best product to your students. It’s all about setting them up for the success that they want out of lessons.

Sam, Mike, Eric and Rebecca have put your music studio at the forefront of the work they do daily on their apps and in their respective communities. They look at technology as an opportunity rather than a barrier so that you can be successful.

Whether you decide to look at Muzie, Rock Out Loud Live, Musicology, or Blink Session Music, my goal with these next four episodes is to bring you answers to some of the most important questions that you have about them and how they compare and contrast with each other.

Also forthcoming (at the end of the series) is a mega blog post that has all of the details that we discuss in a nice easy to read manner which will allow you to compare the solution side by side by side by side.

Why am I doing this series?

This series came about because I was seeing a lot of teachers, just like you, asking in all sorts of Facebook groups, what people are using to teach online? On every single one of these questions, I will see the exact same thing, over and over:

Zoom with the original audio setting. tagging Sam saying use tagging Mike saying use Rock Out Loud Live tagging Rebecca saying use Musicology mentioning Blink Session Music as the newest on the block.

And that does absolutely nothing for the original poster… they have a ton of options shared and no value given. I knew I had the right platform and angle to do something different.

This podcast is my response. This series and the blog post are going to become the go to resource to respond to those questions. And, at least quarterly, I’m planning on updating the blog post with the latest and greatest from these offers.

As you know, I’m not a music teacher. I’m a tech and strategy gal. I know that teaching a full docket of private clients online is the first milestone to moving onto group programs, courses and membership sites (which is what I focus on with my clients.)

This podcast series is something that is near and dear to my heart; I am so gracious that Mike, Eric, Sam, and Rebecca all said yes. They all agree with me that their respective software solutions stand on their own and it's time for there to be a definitive impartial comparison of them.

Be sure to hit the subscribe button in your podcast apps so that the rest of the series comes to you, and check out my brand new guide --> Make Money Teaching Music Online.

And, as always, don’t forget to book a call with me at and we can just jam on whatever is going on in your business. Or, find me on instagram @jaimeslutzky

It's time! Round 3 of the Online Music Course Accelerator is open for application. Click here for details.