We've all been there -- waking up in a cold sweat after we've been on an adrenaline rush after a new *brilliant* idea has come to us.

The cold sweat is fear setting in, and impostor syndrome, and what-ifs -- this episode doesn't talk about any of that, rather it's all about how you can flip the script in your head to GUARANTEE that you'll have students in your next new program.

It's not about the sales page. It's not about the price. It's not about getting 100's of people to magically fall in love with you. It's all about positioning. It's all about understanding your students' needs, wants and desires. It's all about making your offer irresistible.

And it just takes real conversations. With real people. Because we are in the business of providing an opportunity to REAL PEOPLE.

Go out and connect and create a program that showcases your expertise and provides a real tangible value to your students!

And just like you're going to connect with people for the sake of your future programs (even if they don't buy) -- same goes for me, I want to connect with you! http://callwithjaime.com