Michelle Rose is a full time music teacher at a 100% virtual school in North Carolina. In this conversation, we discuss teaching music classes online and the nuances that come with online art education.

Join the Online Expansion Masterclass - a free 5 day workshop right inside the Expand Online Community on Facebook Topics include: What an online school is and how to teach the arts online. What the classroom looks and feels like. How to run choir and group practices online. Microphones & supplies. Live and Pre-Recorded content. Tools mentioned: Soundtrap Smartmusic Zoom Nearpod Playposit

Michelle Rose teaches middle and high school general music and directs the extracurricular virtual band/orchestra and choir at North Carolina Virtual Academy. She is also the director of the International Music Education Summit Virtual Honor Band. Michelle holds a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and Performance (flute) from Elon University and is currently pursuing a Master's in Music Education from The University of North Carolina Greensboro. She is a teacher-author and blogger at themusicalrose.com. Michelle has been a presenter at several conferences and has been a guest speaker for pre-service music teachers at colleges across the country. In her free time, she enjoys baking, sewing, and going on walks with her dog Tovy (short for Beethoven).

Connect with Jaime Download the  Expand Online Getting Started Guide Instagram: @jaimeslutzky Facebook: @yourbiztech The Expand Online Community on Facebook Email: [email protected] Contact Page: https://techofbusiness.com/contact/ Connect with Michelle Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_musical_rose/ Website: https://themusicalrose.com