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Ana and Victor discuss the anatomy of JavaScript functions, Doja Cat's new music video that teaches viewers the basics of coding, and being co-workers...again!

News 📰

Doja Cat released a new music video for hew song “Woman”. It’s an immersive digital experience that teaches viewers the basics of coding!
Best comment: “Been trying to code a lap dance for the past 5 hours, not working. Please help.”
An interactive Doja Cat music video can introduce you to programming - The Verge

Recommendation 💬

Victor Recommends: SVG Export - Chrome Web Store
Its a chrome extension I use every day and honestly I have no clue how I haven’t recommended it sooner. Basically you just go to any site and open this extension to find all of the assets from that site. I use this primarily to get a site’s logo or any banner material that they use. It’s also convenient because you can resize, copy, and export the assets in sag, jpeg, or png depending on what you need. It’s nice because it’s usually way faster than diving into the source code to find what you need from a site.

Ana Recommends: 1. Dr4Gonized - Garuda Linux Distro. Arch-based distro but it does some different things. Most notable is that it uses the Zen kernel and seems to be optimized for gamers.
Video Link

Ana’s portfolio site:
Victor’s portfolio site:

Resources 📖

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial