This episode is totally framework-ception, because the crew talks about the React framework Next.js. Ana shares some very exciting news regarding her career, and we talk about the Staples Center becoming the Stadium.

News 📰

LA’s Staples Center will be renamed ‘ Arena’ - The Verge
$700 million deal for 20-year naming rights! Staples paid $100 million back in 1999. We will not know what the logo will be until Christmas Day where it will be Lakers v Nets. They also did a $100 million deal with Formula 1 earlier this year so it’s not their first time venturing into sports sponsorships.

Recommendation 💬

Victor Recommends: Frontend Mentor | Order summary component coding challenge
Ana Recommends: Oh My Zsh - a delightful & open source framework for Zsh

Ana’s portfolio site:
Victor’s portfolio site:

Resources 📖

The Beginners Guide to Building Production-ready Apps with Next.js Part One The What, How, and Why of Next.js - DEV Community