Hello and welcome to the hellmouth. This is an episode of the Tech for Good Live podcast – a show all about using technology to do social good.

In this episode we are peeking behind the curtain of TikTok’s algorithm. For those listeners who are Bex’s age, TikTok is a social media product, and not a tiny mint that provides up to two hours of freshness.

We’re talking about the RNLI team getting some grief from losers and haters.

And we’re talking about Pegasus. Not the winged horse that we all know and love, but instead about those awful men who are probably listening to everything we say. No, not Instagram, the other awful men.

Joining host Bex in this fight against evil we have TFGL team members Greg Ashton and Fay Schofield. 

And we have a return guest with us! The excellent Lauren Coulman from social impact consultancy Noisy Cricket

Stat of the week: 

It takes less than 2 hours for Tik Tok to work out what videos it wants to show you. In some cases less than 40 - Wall Street Journal

Charity news of the week:  

RNLI volunteer verbally abused for doing their job - Third Sector

Tech news of the week

Demonstrations and inquiries: the global impact of the Pegasus project - The Guardian

How NSO became the company whose software can spy on the world - The Guardian

Forensic Methodology Report: How to catch NSO Group’s Pegasus - Amnesty

And finally… 

Nice idea for wasteful tech


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. 

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Thanks to podcast.co for hosting our podcast. 

Also, please don't forget this podcast is run by volunteers and we survive on sponsorships and donations. Right now one of our primary goals is to make sure all of our podcast episodes are accessible by making sure EVERY episode is transcribed. Sadly this costs money and we desperately need your help to make this become a reality! So if you've ever tuned into one of our podcasts or attended one of our events please consider chipping in the price of a cup of coffee.

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