This Tech for Good Live podcast is a three-part series about WorkerTech, made in conjunction with our friends at Bethnal Green Ventures.

In this first episode we explore what WorkerTech is and why we should care about it. We question whether the very nature of work is changing due to technology, and find out what real-world effect artificial intelligence and automation are having on workers in the UK.

Throughout this series we spoke to Dan Tomlinson from the Resolution Trust, Linda Wickstrom from Accenture, Fabian Wallace-Stephens from the Royal Society of Arts, Unman Mohamed from Organise, Guy Levin from Uber, Duncan McCann from the New Economic Foundation, Rachel Carey from Zinc and of course, Jessica Stacey from Bethnal Green Ventures.

View the transcript for this episode on the Tech for Good Live website.

This podcast has been brought to you in collaboration with Tech for Good Live and Bethnal Green Ventures.

Thanks to the contributions from Accenture, Royal Society of Arts, Resolution Trust, Organise New Economic Foundation, Zinc, and Uber. This episode wouldn’t be possible without Podcast.Co providing us with their studio space.

This podcast would not have been possible without Paul, Rebecca and Jonny from the Tech for Good Live team, and Jess, Dama and Milly from BGV.

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