Welcome to another episode of the  Tech For Good Live podcast. We’re officially in March 2021. The main difference between March 2020 and March 2021 is… well… the spelling. 

Here in Britain though, March means it’s time to fill up the paddling pool and get the BBQ going, all because it’s a whopping 10ºC

In this episode we are discussing social media a whole lot! Facebook has finally reached a lawsuit settlement after 6 years. Will we be “super following” each other on Twitter soon? And are we all suffering from “Zoom fatigue”?

Host Bex is joined by TFGL team members Greg Ashton and Kristiana Zunde 

Our special guest this week is Emily Casson. Emily is a multi-award-winning fundraiser, digital expert, and speaker. She is currently Digital Marketing Manager at Cats Protection and was named one of Fundraising Magazine’s Top 25 fundraisers under 35 in 2018.

This week’s topics:

Stat of the week

Facebook privacy lawsuit over facial recognition becomes one of the biggest settlements ever leading to $650 million. CNET

Charity news of the week

There’s a new call for charities to be exempt from Insurance Premium Tax. - UK Fundraising

Tech news of the week

Twitter has announced new upcoming features. Sky News

Are we all suffering from Zoom fatigue? Probably. FT

Rant of the week

Thoughts/experiences on being asked to work for free as a woman? - i 

And finally… 

The love for your pets can be turned into someone else’s business. BBC


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

We’d love it if you gave us a nice iTunes review and told your pals about this podcast!

Thanks to podcast.co for hosting our podcast. 

If you’d like to be thanked on the podcast for giving us some cash, contact us on [email protected]. I promise we’ll spend it on transcription and not on kittens.

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