Previous Episode: Birthday

This podcast is usually filled with fun and frivolity and obviously some trash talk about Facebook and Twitter, and we’ve more to say on those companies later, but first we need to talk about what is happening in our world and communities right now.

You’ll all know about the murder of George Floyd by now in Minniapolis at the hands of the police, who were supposed to protect him. Protests, anger, rage and sadness have sprung up across the states and beyond. The president has continued to stoke the fires of racism, and the police are militarised, and driving into protestors, shooting rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds and at journalists, and last night - which was Monday night for us recording - police killed another unarmed black man.

The horrifying thing is that this is nothing new. And it isn’t just a US problem. It has been happening time and time and time again. It isn’t that this one cop was racist. It isn’t that this one president is racist. Our very society is one that is built upon and held up by systematic white supremacy and I don’t seem to have any words of hope about that. I’m also aware that we are most certainly *not* the voices you need to hear talking about solutions or ways to help right now. We are allies and our role is to support and to lift up those voices that you need to hear.

So, we want to direct you to some people who know what they’re talking about and who could use your support - Find them all in this thread.


In this episode, the team set their sights on Facebook and Twitter once again, picking up the pieces from the Trump vs Social Media incident.

Host Bex, is joined by pod regular Greg Ashton and our special guest this week is Corin bell - founder of Open Kitchen Manchester

This week’s topics:

Stat of the week

Up to 600 Facebook employees stage walkout:

CNBC - Hundreds of Facebook employees walk out as Zuckerberg plans town hall 

Verge - Leaked posts show Facebook employees asking the company to remove Trump’s threat of violence 

Matt Navarra Tweet  

Charity news of the week  

The sad loss of Dot Everyone

Tech news of the week

Trump versus social media

Is it enforceable?:

This is what started the fight

And finally… 

Insurance...for good


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

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Thanks to the wonderful for hosting our podcast on their podcast platform.

We’d also like to thank Happy Porch for their sponsorship which will allow us to have our episodes transcribed, helping us be more inclusive and accessible. Happy Porch provides strategy, technology and development for purpose driven organisations. You can find out more about them at

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