The wonderful Harry Bailey stepped into Gregs shoes this week to give us our running order using his patented* Tech For Goodness rating system!


Things we mentioned:

Contactless topples Chip & Pin as UK's top payment choice [Link]

#WeAreNotForSale - Stand in solidarity with victims of modern slavery [Link]

Charity Fraud Awareness Week [Link]

Google and Harvard team up to use deep learning to predict earthquake aftershocks [Link]

Dramatic slowdown in global growth of internet access [Link]

Based on “US driverless cars unsafe as they can’t spot iconic British vehicles like the Routemaster bus and Hackney cab, experts warn” [Link]

Panasonic's human blinkers help people concentrate in open-plan offices [Link]

Dancing Boston Dynamics Dog [Link]


*it's not a real thing


Thanks to the magnificent PR Agency One who try to make sense of this mess. Also, thanks to for hosting us in a beautiful mirrored studio. Which you can’t see. But it is pretty.


Special thanks to @geekytom for the theme tune

Get in touch:Twitter: @techforgoodliveInstagram: techforgoodliveEmail: [email protected]


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