Happy new year and welcome back to the Tech for Good Live podcast!

It’s our very first episode of the year and what a great one we've got lined up for you. We're talking about why it’s so hard to regulate algorithms, a new government backed disabled passenger charter, the world’s obsession with Wordle and the inspiring story of Preet Chandi and her trip to the south pole.

Joining host Fay Schofield on this voyage into 2022 we have TFGL team members Greg Ashton and Hera Hussain

Our special guest is Alex Blandford. Alex is the Lead Product Manager at the University of Cambridge.

Links from the show:

Stat of the week 

Of 40 bills designed to regulate automated decision making in the US, only 1 has passed. And that was a task force whose recommendations have been ignored:

Why It’s So Hard to Regulate Algorithms - The Markup

Charity news of the week

Government teams with charity Scope on Disabled Persons Passenger Charter for bus, coach, taxi, private hire vehicle and rail

Government teams with charity Scope on Disabled Persons Passenger Charter - Gov.uk 

Tech news of the week

Are tech marketers desperate to make the metaverse a thing?

Samsung’s CES 2022 showcase includes a metaverse experience we didn’t ask for - The Verge 

Metaverse Hype Permeates CES 2022 Tech Show - Investor's Business Daily

And finally…

Preet Chandi, first woman of colour to make a solo trip to the south pole - Channel 4


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

We’d love it if you gave us a nice iTunes review and told your pals about this podcast!

Thanks to podcast.co for hosting our podcast. 

Also, please don't forget this podcast is run by volunteers and we survive on sponsorships and donations. Right now one of our primary goals is to make sure all of our podcast episodes are accessible by making sure EVERY episode is transcribed. Sadly this costs money and we desperately need your help to make this become a reality! So if you've ever tuned into one of our podcasts or attended one of our events please consider chipping in the price of a cup of coffee.

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