Previous Episode: Who's Firing Who?

Welcome back to another episode of the Tech for Good Live podcast. It’s a podcast all about using technology to have a positive social impact. Basically just a bunch of cool people talking about all the cool stuff that all the cool kids love. We’re super popular and have happy and fulfilling lives.

In this episode we’re talking about how the world has gotten a little more accessible. And we’ll be talking about spies. But apparently not in an exciting and fun way.

Bex is on hosting duties and she is joined by TFGL team members Greg Ashton and Paul Jakubowski

Our special guest is Arielle Tye, Head of Development at ProMo Cymru, a youth and community organisation specialising in digital services.

Good story of the week

Great round of accessibility wins:

Greece makes nearly 200 beaches accessible with adaptive chairs -

And more wilderness will be accessible to wheelchair users thanks to this tank looking wheelchair:

These All-Terrain Wheelchairs Are Making Nature More Accessible (and Enjoyable) for Those With Mobility Issues - Nice News

And moving away from wheelchairs, the already brilliant 'Be My Eyes' is due for an AI upgrade:

Be My Eyes: Popular App Tests “Life-Altering” AI Tool to Help Visually Impaired People - Nice News 

Bad news story of the week:

The NSO and Pegasus story isn't over and it looks like the US government have been struggling to kill it because they keep buying it:

A front company and a fake identity: How the U.S. came to use spyware it was trying to kill - Japan Times 


Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

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Thanks to for hosting our podcast. 

Also, please don't forget this podcast is run by volunteers and we survive on sponsorships and donations. Right now one of our primary goals is to make sure all of our podcast episodes are accessible by making sure EVERY episode is transcribed. Sadly this costs money and we desperately need your help to make this become a reality! So if you've ever tuned into one of our podcasts or attended one of our events please consider chipping in the price of a cup of coffee.

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