The team break free from our Manchester studio and head down south to the glorious Bath Digital Festival to record two special live episodes.

In this second episode, we’re taking questions on Social Media and Democracy, in a live recording of BDF Question Time 2019, a public debate about the ethics of social media and the role they play in the rise and fall of our democratic process.

Our host is Jim Morrison, Director of Bath Digital Festival and founder of OneSub

He’s joined by:

Rebecca Rae-Evans - Reply & Tech For Good Live

Bex is founder of the design studio Reply, and the podcast Tech for Good Live. Rebecca has a varied and extensive 15 year agency background in research and user-centred design. Deciding she wanted to align her work with her personal values, 6 years ago, Rebecca transitioned into working exclusively on projects that are for the social (and environmental) good. 

John Harris - The Guardian 

John is a Guardian columnist, who writes on subjects including politics, popular culture and music. He is the co-creator of its acclaimed video series “Anywhere But Westminster,” which focuses on the social realities underlying huge changes in politics.

Eriol Fox - Ushahidi

Eriol is a Design Lead who has worked in-house roles for 9+ years. Eriol is a Humanitarian/tech for good advocate and video game enthusiast. Ushahidi is a humanitarian, non-profit technology leader, developing open-source, digital tools to help people with better democratic process, human rights issues, natural and human-made disasters.

James Padolsey - Ex-Facebook & Twitter Software Engineer

James in his past as a software engineer worked at Facebook, Twitter & Stripe. He stepped away after ten years in tech and is now training as a paramedic.

Mykola Kuzmin - University of Manchester

Mykola is a 3rd year PPE student at the University of Manchester. Debate Mate Advanced Mentor, winner of Model United Nations competition at Regent's University and the winner of The Devil's Advocates debate on Immigration.


Thanks to Bath Digital Festival, and to OneSub for bringing us here. OneSub are pretty ace, you should have a look at what they do, they’re building a new way to read the news, helping to balance bias and break out of filter bubbles. 

Listeners, what did you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Get in touch on twitter @techforgoodlive or Email at [email protected] 

And we’d love it if you gave us a nice iTunes review and told your mates about this podcast!

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