Previous Episode: The Death of DVDs?
Next Episode: Putting Learning First

This week's episode takes Pete and Ben down a few conversations from past episodes, rekindles the "off again, on again" relationship with web filters, and explores Ben's lack of interest in music. Along the way we talk about what we think would make the ideal bare minimum device for students to be successful in a "21st century" classroom, with some disagreement over iPads, Chromebooks, and the traditional laptop. And Pete gets a software question for "Stump Pete!"

Timestamps for this week's questions:

1:00 What has Pete been up to today?

2:47 Wanda from Twitter wants to know, can teachers have access to the web filter?

4:29 Could you see a special group of individuals that have the same web filter rights as the Tech Director?

7:10 Will teachers have the option to purchase their old laptops that are being replaced?

9:24 Elvis wants to know, is Pete moving because he just got married?

10:45 Jason from Twitter wanted to know, what should the bare minimum device be for a student to be successful in a 21st century classroom?

13:50 Is Chrome OS a real Operating System?

15:17 Stump Pete!

15:52 Does Ben censor Pete?

16:20 Elvis wants to know, what’s the hardest song you’ve ever tried to play?

18:35 Wait, Ben doesn’t listen to music?

You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppoggione) on Twitter.

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