Previous Episode: Making Pete's Blood Boil
Next Episode: Pete Geeks Out

A weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.

We have a record number of questions this week; seven! I know, I know, that seems pretty low, but for a podcast that one day hopes to be under 20 minutes, that's a lot to cram into one episode! Pete answers some tough questions about whether Tech Director's have the ability to say "yes" and answers some burning questions about the quality of paper that regularly jams up the photocopiers. We also had some great questions from Twitter! Thanks to Sherri, Rob, and MASSP for asking some tough questions that I'm sure aren't always the same in every school district.


Timestamps for this week's questions:

:49 What has Pete been up to?

1:15 Why did Pete's day go sideways?

2:30 Seven questions is a lot for us?

3:02 Why do the printers keep breaking down, and can we remedy the situation?

7:38 Are we any closer on the Apple TV situation?

8:51 Why can't we move an interactive whiteboard out of a special education classroom into a regular education classroom?

10:40 Are we going to run out of time on this episode?

11:04 Why am I trusted with people's most prized posession, but not the technology and the internet?

14:24 Why do you always approach a request from a place of "no" rather than a place of "yes"?

17:20 Would you say that a Tech Director from the IT world might be apprehensive to opening up technology to help solve problems creatively?

19:02 Why do teachers often get so little input in the technology purchasing  decisions?

22:56 We've gone hopelessly past the 20 minute mark.

23:04 What does a Tech Director do for fun and to decompress?

You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppoggione) on Twitter.

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