A weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.

After last week's episode in which we talked about "locking it down," we dive into another hot button issue around how Tech Directors and other IT professionals make users feel about their technological competency. We chat about improving our own skills, when we actually record this podcast, and we introduce everyone to "Mr. Microphone!"

Timestamps for this week's questions:

0:53 What has Pete been up to today?

2:35 Jonathan asks, what skills are you having to develop to provide a quality service to your district?

4:00 Ben asks, do you think people feel “dumb” about technology, or do stereotypical attitudes of IT professionals makes them feel “dumb?”

6:05 Would you rather have a tech support staff that is highly skilled in repair skills with poor people skills, or great customer service with very little technical skills?

8:50 Rachelle wants to know, why is the answer “no,” instead of “no, but….?”

11:16 Jennifer asks, do you know “Mr. Microphone?”

12:50 Nancy wants to know, when and where is your band playing this holiday break?

13:50 Is this podcast done during school hours?

16:11 Stump Pete!

16:54 There’s a machine that was built to lick Tootsie Pops?

18:20 Ben asks, what is the most valuable guitar ever created by Gibson?

You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppoggione) on Twitter.

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