Pete is back! And he's ready to tackle the hard questions about policy review, what makes him tick as a tech administrator, and cell phones in the classroom! Well, maybe only one of this is truly a difficult question to grapple with, but Ben enjoys the banter none the less. We finish up our list of questions from our high school that were compiled at the start of the school year, and talk about the advantages...and disadvantages of the use of cell phones in the classroom for learning. In fact, Ben highly recommends checking out an interesting piece from NPR about the rampant use, or rather misuse, of cell phones in college courses. We finish up the episode with Pete's philosophy on being a tech admin, and a question from JW that proves Pete truly has no regrets in life.

Timestamps for this week's questions:

2:25 What has Pete been up to?

3:17 Ben is curious how much time a Tech Director spends reviewing policy.

4:46 JW asks, has the final decision been made on the “teacher tech control stations”?

10:04 What are the best methods of handling cell phone use in the classroom?

15:15 Chris from Twitter wants to know, what’s important to you as an admin?

16:34 Stump Pete!

17:00 JW wants to know, what do you wish you had learned when you were younger?

You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppoggione) on Twitter.

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