A weekly chat tackling the issue of educational technology from both sides. Ben Rimes, a former teacher turned educational technologist, chats with Pete Poggione, an Information Technology Professional from the private sector turned School IT Director.

This week sees a small turn of events, with Pete posing a question to Ben, and giving him a chance to feel what it's like in the hot seat! Pete answers questions about "big picture" use of technology in a teacher's classroom, what a new ideal elementary building would look like, and more issues about filtering pop up in this episode. Deep questions about whether most technology use in the classroom will ever move passed substitution for paper and pencil activities have Ben scrambling to put on his "future glasses" and Pete gets a break from his weekly musical trivia to share his opinion on possibly a divisive issue; who should be bestowed the "grandfather" of rock and roll, Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis?

Timestamps for this week's questions:

0:56 What has Pete been up to?

2:21 What does an exploding projector bulb sounds like?

3:00 Ben has opened the flood gate of questions by sending the podcast to all district employees.

4:16 JW asks, what is the big picture goal for teacher technology use in the classroom?

7:32 Pete asks Ben, how long do you think it will take until a majority of people are using technology for more than simple substitution?

11:20 John asks, why do some wifi routers behave differently for filtering?

14:50 John wants to know, can he have an Apple TV?

16:40 Kathleen asks, what would your ideal new elementary building look like?

20:45 Paul from Twitter asks, why are URL shorteners blocked by filters?

22:18 Stump Pete!

24:11 Kathleen asks, who was more influential to early Rock and Roll?

You can talk about the show or continue the conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #TechDirectorChat or chatting up Ben (@techsavvyed) or Pete (@ppoggione) on Twitter.

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