#TeamEarlyChildhood Podcast-  I am interviewing Ruth Swailes - Expert and Consultant on Early Years and Primary Education/Improvement

"Ruth has over 25 years’ experience in primary education, over 20 of them in senior leadership. Ruth has worked as a School Improvement Advisor, Early Years consultant and moderator in several Local Authorities. Passionate about Primary education, particularly Early Years, Ruth has taught from Nursery to Y6. In 2014 she left primary headship and trained as an Ofsted inspector, combining this role with a number of other roles in education. She currently fulfils a range of different education improvement roles, working part time as a School Improvement Advisor to 19 Local Authority schools, and with a range of MATS, Teaching Schools Alliances, Academy and LA schools throughout the UK providing training, school improvement advice, appraisal, coaching, mentoring and practical advice and support.".

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Assure Education

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