This episode is a little bit different. Morgan and Sarah had the opportunity to have a conversation with some of the new Team Based Care Coaching Team from Doctors of BC. In this episode we share back their perspectives on the experiences they have had working as ‘at the elbow’ coaching supports in BC. The coaches share some stories from working with distributed teams and highlight a number of key elements in setting teams up for success including: Setting the foundation; building strong relationships and trust to enhance psychological safety in teams; focusing on communication and coordination; and developing role clarity. We had the chance to dive into a lot of these elements over the course of this season of teamup and it was so great to hear it all tie together in this conversation!

Thanks to our special guests:

Erin Lutz, Manager, Practice Support and Service Delivery, Team Based Care, Doctors of BC
Carleigh Reynolds, Team Based Care Coach, Doctors of BC
Ruth Ann Robinson, Team Based Care Coach, Doctors of BC
Lindsay Ferguson, Team Based Care Coach, Doctors of BC

Links to Resources

There are a number of great resources designed to support teams wherever they are at in thier journey. Check out where you will find searchable resources for patients, caregivers and family members; care providers an/or team members; planners, designers or improvers.

Many of the resources referenced by the team based care coaches can be found here: GPSC Guide to TBC

Setting the Foundation

TBC Learning Series and PSP supports

TeamUp Podcast S03 E1: What do we mean by distributed primary care teams?

Building Strong Relationships and Trust

Team Up Podcast S03 E08 Pulse Check

TeamUP Podcast S03 E02 Huddles

Team Huddles (Resource)

Team Agreements (Resource)
TeamUp Webinar: Tools for Teams- Exploring Psychological Safety

Communication and Coordination

TeamUp Podcast S03 E03: Case Conferencing in Distributed Primary Care Teams

TeamUp Podcast S03 E05: Case Conferencing in distributed primary care teams

TeamUp Podcast S03 E06: Handing Over Care within distributed primary care teams
Teamwork and Communication Action Series

Role Clarity

TeamUp Podcast S03 E08: A quick intro to Team Mapping

TeamUp Podcast S03 E09: Clearer Roles in Distributed Primary Care Teams
Team Mapping Introduction