How do you make money and be happy? For some entrepreneurs, it seems to come almost naturally. Which makes it seem even harder for the rest of us. The truth though when you ask them though is that it was never easy and hard lessons had to be learned along the way. Of course with that comes experience and then yes, the habits of success become easier to live by. E. A. Csolkovits is a man who, now in his 60's and millionaire at 19, knows exactly what it takes to be successful, wealthy, and happy.

It is not all about money but consulting with EA will cost at least $1,500 an hour. You can join him here on this episode for nothing!

Having a Givers Win Mindset

EA's list of businesses and passions is varied. He made his first million by 23 and when he was 33 he had his first $1m year in personal income after tax! He has worked in different sectors and led companies with huge workforces - up to 33,000 people at one time.

What this suggests is that it is not what you know that is key to success. You can start a business that is a good idea and you don't know much about. So long as you are passionate about it and put the right people around you, then you can create the success you desire. As a leader, it is as much about who you are being to make it work, as it is about what you know.

So how do you actually do that?

The message that EA wanted to share more than anything with Team Super Dad, was around his GIVERS WIN mindset. This is the principle of being generous and positive in your mindset. And equally important, spotting people that are not like this and who can take you down.

EA began learning this first hand when his mentor took him under his wing at just 19. This was the ultimate act of generosity towards EA because he filled him with knowledge, entrusted him with responsibility, and put him in positions of leadership. Quite naturally EA stresses the value of having a mentor whose experience you can build upon.

People who can effectively manage a GIVERS MINDSET will naturally attract similar people to them. This is basically your golden ticket and it is not just a bunch of "woo woo". Rather than just a "think good things and it will happen" message, EA has created a system that will teach you how to develop such a mindset. When you fill in his free survey you will receive back guidance and lessons on actually how to do this for yourself.

Walk the talk like EA

When you have the privilege to spend 90 minutes with a businessman and Dad in his 60's, who had achieved success over multiple decades you can't help but feel inspired and motivated. EA shares knowledge he learned from his mentor and a great story of advice he received from a woman who was secretary to Ray Crock (founder of modern McDonalds) and through having a Givers Mindset became the single largest shareholder in McDonald's.

As a Dad and married man for over 40 years this is also a powerful conversation about family. EA certainly has been the man he wanted to be and the Dad his family needed. Enjoy the podcast and be sure that you put some of this into your life by taking the free Givers Assessment.

What Is Your GIVERS & TAKERS Awareness IQ?

Do Your 7-Questions & Get Your FREE Assessment With FREE usable downloads from

You can do the quiz in 5 minutes or less. It is fast and informative and will raise your GIVERS IQ.

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