Joining Team Lally in this episode is Attila Seress of SOS Tech Solutions.  Attila tells us the story of how he and his wife one day just decided to move to Hawaii.  Attila talks about his transition from employee to entrepreneur as an Information Systems Expert. We also talk about the current state of security online
Also in this episode: Quotes of the day, Tips of the week, special events, this week's Open houses and Coming soon listings.
Who is Attila Seress?
Attila Seress is a an Entrepreneur, TV host and Information Systems Expert. He formerly hosted "Next Big Thing" (NBT), a weekly TV show that gives a place for people with great ideas a chance to share them with the world. He is also the owner of SOS Tech Solutions, an  IT services company with a focus on providing solutions to small to medium sized businesses.
To reach Attila you may contact him in the following ways:

Phone: 808-861-9595Email: [email protected] Website: /