This week on TeachLab, Justin is joined by Paul Reville, founding director of the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Redesign Lab, and former Secretary of Education for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. They discuss the future of education during and post-pandemic, the shift of involvement for parents in their child's education, and the need for communities to shift in order to support it.

“ goes beyond just having higher expectations for families, and extended families. It goes to having higher expectations for our communities as a whole.”

Education Redesign LabPost-pandemic education The risk of categorizing and ostracizing students with less resources at homeBuilding relationships with students and families and getting feedbackSupporting parents at the centerBreaking community boundaries and connecting with other districts


Note to the audience:

The Teaching Systems Lab and the TeachLab team would like to thank all of our audience for their patronage as we attempt to shift our production and content in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We think it is of the utmost importance to continue distributing as much content as we can, and as widely as we can, to assist those who are in need of information in these difficult times. We are working to improve the quality of our content with these new constraints and get back to a more regular scheduling. Thank you for your patience.


Resources and Links

Check out “Broader, Bolder, Betterr: How Schools and Communities Help Students Overcome the Disadvantages of Poverty” by Elaine Weiss and Paul Reville

Learn more about The Education Redesign Lab

Check out “In Search of Deeper Learning: The Quest to Remake the American High School” by Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine




Produced by Aimee Corrigan and Garrett Beazley

Recorded and mixed by Garrett Beazley


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