For TeachLab’s ninth Failure to Disrupt Book Club we look back at Justin’s live conversation with regular Audrey Watters and special guest Candace Thille, director of Learning Science at Amazon and former researcher and faculty member at Stanford University and at Carnegie Mellon. Together they discuss Chapter 8, The Toxic Power of Data and Experiment.

“It wasn't just that they didn't know how to use the educational technology. It was their belief about their role as a learner and their belief about her role as an instructor. And so just like you talked about many times in your book, the technology can't do it. The human interactions are what really drive how the technology gets used.”    -Candace Thille

In this episode we’ll talk about:

Candace’s positive edtech story - Human interaction with edtech implementationCandace’s negative edtech story - Failure of interface designPrivacy/surveillance/autonomy concerns in edtechOpen Learning Initiative statistics courseComprehensive Assessment of Outcomes in a first Statistics course (CAOS)Systematically evaluating the variations between teachersDefining “experiments”Ethical data collectionData ≠ useful insightDemocratizing education research


Resources and Links

Watch the full Book Club webinar here!

Check out Justin Reich’s new book, Failure To Disrupt!

Join our self-paced online edX course: Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices




Produced by Aimee Corrigan and Garrett Beazley

Recorded and mixed by Garrett Beazley


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