Business, psychology, and geography teacher James D'Souza usually has questions from his high school students to discuss with Playful Strategy Consultant (and now teacher too!) Willem van der Horst. This week Willem gathered new questions from his 1st year Masters students at ISCOM where he recently began teaching, France's Higher Institute for Communications and Advertising. The question this week is: "How can I manage to invest myself in many things at the same time (studies, jobs, hobbies, student life) - while I am also supposed to sleep 8 hours a day?"  

Send James more questions from students and young people! over [email protected]  

Follow James D'Souza: https://www.instagram/jamesdsouza76  

Find more about Willem van der Horst and the Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast on the website: Twitter: Insta: https://www.instagram/ICWillem

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