It's time to give thanks. It's Thanksgiving.

Normally, we are focused on sharing thanks with our families, our relatives, our immediate family members. But today, I am asking you to think about those one time strangers who made a difference in your life. I am asking you to think about those teachers, educators, or mentors who took an interest in you and helped you push through or succeed when you needed it. I'm talking about thinking about those individuals who went beyond what they get paid to do and helped you somehow or someway.

So do you have someone in mind? Does thinking about giving thanks this way make you think of more than one person? Hmmm, maybe you need to create a gratitude list and start sending handwritten notes and emails of thanks to those who positively impacted your life while you were in school.

Today, I share with you three of the people I would like to say thanks to:

1. 7th Grade Bus Driver

2. 5th Grade Teacher

3. 11th and 12th Grade English Teachers.

I hope that you will stop and think about this and actually create your list and then reach out and say thanks.

Thanks for listening.



Length - 49:07