3 Scary (Ok, not really scary) Moments for a Teacher 

There are times when a classroom teacher has to address some issues or take care of a situation that can really feel scary sometimes. Today, I'm sharing three of these types of moments and my thoughts about dealing with them.

1. It's Monday morning and the principal or your evaluator steps into your room to observe you teach.

2. A student challenges your authority.

3. You have to call a parent.

Today, I share some thoughts to help.

Thanks for listening.

 Check out some other helpful resources:

2 Things Not to Say When You Are Angry with a Student's Behavior

Shhhh - Doesn't Work

#1 Rule When Dealing with an Angry Student - Be the Adult

12 Tools for a Successful Start to the New School Year

9 Thoughts for Successful Daily Lesson Plans

10 Secret Ingredients for Better Unit Planning

Classroom Management - Consequences

Classroom Management - Rules

Classroom Management - De-escalation

Length - 29:37