Joe Finkelstein teaches Audio-Video-Film class at The Hutchings College and Career Academy in the Bibb County Public School System, Macon, GA. He is focused on helping kids develop a purpose and pursue a future path. His own career path has had some very cool twists and turns. Two of my favorites: being an 800 number support staff member who answered the questions of the Olympic torch carriers and being a stand-up comedian in New York City. Awesome!

Originally from the state of New Jersey, he attended the University of Georgia where he majored in journalism (emphasis on broadcast journalism). Joe is married to Ellen who he met at a party the night of the premiere of Michael Jackson's Thriller video on MTV. He recently celebrated his 27th wedding anniversary and has two sons.

Joe first worked in New York City for a major advertising agency (McCann-Erickson) and then shifted to the publishing field. After moving to Atlanta in 1994, he eventually focused on becoming a teacher. He has been an EIP teacher, a 1st-grade teacher, a high school computer programming teacher, the robotics team sponsor, and now the Audio-Video-Film teacher. He is currently finishing his 4th year at Hutchings. Additionally, Joe also has become the voice for many events including several sports at Mercer Unversity located in Macon, GA.

Joe's classes produce WVIP-TV and maintain a video site for the school district where all videos they produce are available on demand. 

Joe has incredible energy and a wonderful focus. I had fun talking to him and I think that you are going to enjoy listening!

Thanks for being here!


WVIP-TV website

W.S. Hutchings College and Career Academy

Length - 1:05:59