Ido Kedar discusses autism, communicating, writing books, and his latest novel - In Two Worlds on episode 303 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.

Ido Kedar is with us today.

He has autism and can’t talk.

When he was a kid he and his family were told he would not be able to communicate independently, but Ido learned to do just that.

Ido is the author of two books: Ido in Autismland and his most recent In Two Worlds.

Ido in Autismland contains dozens of “short, autobiographical essays each offering insights into autism, symptoms, effective and ineffective treatments and the inner emotional life of a severely autistic boy.”

In Two Worlds is a tale, that “sheds light on the inner and outer lives of children with non speaking autism.” In Two Worlds is one of “a few works written by a person with non speaking autism.”

Through the use of an iPad and other devices, Ido has learned to communicate with others.

Ido also serves on the board of “a non-profit group that advocates on behalf of all non-speaking humans.”

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Length - 20:30