Helen Lee Bouygues talks about critical thinking, the Reboot Foundation, and "The Benefits of Using Pencil and Paper in Math" on episode 305 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.


Helen Lee Bouygues is one of the most successful women in business transformation. She has served as interim CEO, CFO, or COO for more than a dozen companies. She is also the founder of the Reboot Foundation, a columnist at Forbes, and working on a book on critical thinking. 


A former partner at McKinsey & Company, Bouygues has helped transform more than 25 firms. Over the course of a twenty-year career, she has raised hundreds of millions of dollars in capital, renegotiated billions of dollars in debt, and brought dozens of companies into the black.


Established by Helen Lee Bouygues, the Reboot Foundation is devoted to critical thinking. In a time of vast technological change, the Foundation aims to promote richer, more reflective forms of thought in schools, homes, and businesses.


Bouygues has lectured around the world on business turnaround. She sits on multiple boards, including those of companies in the retail, manufacturing, oil and gas, renewable energy, and automotive-parts sectors. 


She graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University and earned an MBA from the Harvard Business School.


The Reboot Foundation is devoted to elevating critical thinking. In a time of vast technological change, the Foundation aims to promote richer, more reflective forms of thought in schools, homes, and businesses.

Practically speaking, the Foundation funds efforts to better integrate critical thinking in the daily lives of people around the world. It conducts surveys and opinion polls, leads its own research, and supports the work of independent scholars.


The Foundation also develops practical tools for parents, teachers, employers, and others interested in cultivating a capacity for critical thinking.


The Reboot Foundation is not a traditional foundation. They find potential partners through their own focused research and they do not accept unsolicited grants.


Based in Paris, the Foundation is entirely supported by the generosity of Bruno and Helen Lee Bouygues. All of the resources developed by the foundation are provided without charge.


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Length - 33:22