Ge-Anne Bowdoin - Digital Learning Specialist and Media Liaison - Talks with Me About Podcasting. This is episode 538 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast. 

Ge-Anne Bowdoin, Ed. S. has served as an educator since the mid-1990’s and has a passion for helping teachers, students, and families to harness the power of relationships, technology, and communication to make the world a better place. She currently works for Whitfield County Schools as a digital learning specialist and media specialist liaison and hosts their podcast, “What’s Up, Whitfield?”. You can find Ge-Anne on Twitter and Instagram @gabowdoinEDU.

Lots to learn and think about.

Great conversation!

Before you go...

Could you do me a favor? Please go to my website at or open the podcast app that you are listening to me on and would you rate and review the podcast? That would be Awesome. Thanks!

If you are listening on Apple Podcasts on your phone go to the logo - click so that you are on the main page with a listing of the episodes for my podcast and scroll to the bottom. There you will see a place to rate and review. Could you review me?That would be so cool. Thank you!

Hey, I've got another favor...could you share the podcast with one of your friends, colleagues, and family members? Hmmm? What do you think? That would so awesome!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for listening!

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Length - 36:02