If you work in a school at some point you are going to have to deal with confrontation. Issues arise that need you to try to remove the heat, lower the temperature, de-escalate the situation.

Today, in this segment on classroom management, I am focused on de-escalation.

You know…the concept that if we stay calm and use a specific skill set that we can keep in control of a situation.

Here are my ...

10 Keys to De-escalation:

1.     Someone has to be the adult

2.     Lower the temperature.

3.     Watch your tone.

4.     Be aware of your hands

5.     Choose your words carefully

6.     Don’t make them look at you.

7.     Is it necessary to talk right now?

8.     Remove the audience.

9.     Don’t talk down…actually move so you don’t hover over

10.Do not threaten.

Throughout the show, I explain what I mean with each key.

I challenge you to place this list of 10 techniques, strategies, and concepts someplace in your classroom where you can see them. Put the list someplace where the students wouldn’t pay attention but you would. After putting the 10 keys someplace that you see them make sure that you practice them.

What do you think?

When you feel that blood boiling, that temperature rising, and the brain is suggesting irrational solutions refer to the list.

Remember above all, my number one key is that someone has to be the adult and it should be you.

Here are some other podcast episodes that might be helpful for you:

Episode 22: Technology and Classroom Management

Episode 85: Classroom Management- Its Ok to Start Over

Episode 86: Classroom Management- Consequences

Episode 87: Classroom Management- Rules



Length: 26:14