David Miletto was a child in the '50s, a teenager in the 60's and in his twenties in the 1970's. He lived through some amazing years in the United States and he shares his thoughts about many different topics. In this episode, David shares some stories from his college days, recalls his thoughts about some journeys he took with friends, and he starts to introduce us to a wonderful relationship that begins to develop. At the end of the show, David talks about the help that he is in need of to try to finish his latest work of art. Maybe you might be able to help him? 

Remember that this is episode 3. It would be awesome if you hadn't completed episodes 1 & 2 yet that you go back and listen to the beginning of this 4 part series.

So check out Episodes 269 & 271, if you haven't listened to the first two parts of the four-part interview.

By the way, David just released his e-book - Images of an Idea Lost(Apple Books)

 As a classroom teacher, my hope is that you will be able to use some of his comments about life in the past as a way of getting your students to create a better understanding of the importance of asking questions of those who were there: in this case, Chicagoland area in the 50s and 60s…(by the way the journey will also take us to Texas, Florida, maybe Las Vegas, and Italy...even Wisconsin). Too often textbooks leave out the emotions and the true feelings of the people of the era.

What do you think? I am sure that you could use this to engage your students in discussions about the past.

Primary sources of information provide us opportunities to learn without the bias of the editors. This multi-part series provides an awesome learning opportunity for the students in your classes.

Don't forget to go back and listen to :

part 1 - Episode 269.

and part 2 - Episode 271.

Thanks for listening.

Please subscribe and share.



Connect with David:

[email protected]
David's e-book: Images of an Idea Lost (Apple Books)

Length - 1:01:37