Bob Baird is the founder of He helps job seekers get that better paying job by developing their complete toolkit. He believes that finding a better, higher paying job requires more than just a great resume and LinkedIn profile. According to Bob, "the complete toolkit" includes developing skills in networking, interviewing, negotiation skills, and more.

From professional musician to CEO of a 60 year old nonprofit, Robert - Bob - Baird climbed the career ladder through a series of career pivots.

Before becoming a CEO, he was a Navy supply corps commander, a technology consultant for PriceWaterhouseCoopers and IBM Business Services, a risk management consultant and the Chief Information Officer for a major insurance company.

He has successfully pivoted 12 times to obtain career success and now is a career transition practioner and expert. As a former "C" level executive, hiring manager, and on occasion job applicant, he knows what management's looking for.

Bob's helpful advice will be welcomed by all job seekers. He provides that guiding hand to get you not just through the process of job seeking but to develop your skills at landing that dream position.

Lots to learn today.

Thanks for listening.

Make sure that you look at the links below and check out the many free resources that Bob has shared with us.




Additional Resources:

Get Noticed: 8 Great LinkedIn Hacks

Free Video: “How to Write a Resume that Lands the Interview” + Bonus Training: Resume Keyword Optimization


Blogs Discussed on the Podcast

Resume Keywords: Beating the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Get a Better Paying Job Now and Love Your Life

What is your LinkedIn “Poachability” Index?

Networking Strategies that Work: Part I

Networking Strategies that Work: Part II

Is Your Elevator Pitch Going Up? If Not, Fix It.

What is the Toughest Interview Question You Will Ever Be Asked?


Cover Letter Training Course

Cover Letter Secrets: Land the Interview


Connect with Bob and learn more:

[email protected]

Fix My Career Now - YouTube Channel

How to write a resume that beats the ATS and gets you the interview


Length - 42:15