Andrea Gribble - Social Media for Schools: Proven Storytelling Strategies and Ideas to Celebrate Your Students and Staff - While Keeping Your Sanity. This is episode 572 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.

Andrea’s passion is helping schools recognize their daily awesomeness and sharing that story with the world. To date, she has trained more than 3,000 school communicators through webinars, workshops, and in-person speaking events. 

She is a frequent presenter at the annual NSPRA seminar and appears at state chapters and other school marketing associations throughout the year. She’s built a team that celebrates hundreds of schools across the country! 

#SocialSchool4EDU provides full social media management and runs a vibrant online community that provides ongoing professional development for school social media champions. She also hosts a weekly podcast, “Mastering Social Media for Schools”, and is the author of the book “Social Media for Schools: Proven Storytelling Strategies & Ideas for Celebrating Your Students & Staff - While Keeping Your Sanity.”

Lots to learn.

Lots to think about.

Before you go...

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@SocialSchool4EDU YouTube

Length - 51:53


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