This is the final part of my three episode discussion of lifelines for teachers. If a lifeline is that extra hand, that helping hand, that life preserver or pole or flotation device that keeps your head above water or keeps you from sliding down the hill then a lifeline in school is that person who reaches out to help you with your daily tasks. The peer or colleague who keeps you from drowning in your work. This assistance gets you caught up or helps you understand how to do something better or supports you in developing a skill that you needed. 

Today, I have selected three examples to look at how to engage lifelines to make your work easier. In these examples, I share who and what a lifeline looks like. The samples I chose are:

1. Getting in touch with a parent.

2. Instructional help.

3. Classroom management.

In order to engage a lifeline though, a teacher needs to follow these 3 simple rules:

1. Be honest with you.

2. Be proactive.

3. Be willing to connect.

In episode 232, I shared 5 Reasons Why Teachers Need Lifelines:

1. Falling behind.

2. Not sure what to do.

3. Struggling with classroom management.

4. Peer interactions.

5. Parent interactions.

In episode 233, I shared 5 Ways that Lifelines Appear in Schools:

1. Peers within the school.

2. Administration.

3. Colleagues in professional organizations.

4. Colleagues connected through social media.

5. Colleagues connected through YouTube channels and audio podcasts.

I encourage you to find and engage a lifeline in your building as soon as you can.

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Length - 35:01