Better instruction requires planning. Planning comes in two main types for the classroom: unit and daily.

Today, I discuss my thoughts about 10 essential elements that need to be included in your unit planning:

1. Start with the end in mind.

2. Create a time frame.

3. Identify what you will teach (content).

4. Develop how you will teach (instructional strategies).

5. Identify resources you will need.

6. Identify essential vocabulary.

7. Develop how you will teach the vocabulary.

8. Create opportunities for learning what the students know and don't know.

9. Make notes about student individual needs.

10. Create a system for identifying what can be eliminated to create more time. 

Unit planning is essential for staying focused on what you want the kids to learn. Use these 10 ingredients with your unit planning and you will have better results.

Happy planning.

Links for Resources:

Vocabulary is Comprehension written by Laura Robb

My Pinterest Board focused on Teaching Vocabulary

My Pinterest Board focused on interactive Word Walls

My Pinterest Board focused on Assessment Strategies

 Length - 22:31