Kintara Phillips is an experienced educator with over 20 years in the profession. Her desire to contribute more and her passion for teaching meant her career has changed many ways to include a Masters in Gifted Education, lecturing and managing placements for tertiary institutions and building her own consultative firm to teach and mentor gifted students that aren't suited to a standard classroom environment.

Kintara's knowledge and experience is vast - being fortunate enough to have her on the podcast, I ask about how her career led to Gifted Education as a discipline, some practical tips and professional development for teachers looking to improve for gifted students and an important update on the state of placements for pre-service teachers as the pandemic persists. Kintara's story is an inspiring one!


Topics and Timecodes:

00:10  ||  Intro to the episode
02:12  ||  Kintara Phillips and her career
22:35  ||  Placements for Pre-Service Teachers
30:31  ||  Gifted Education and Consultation
 45:41  ||  Closing messages

Gifted Ed Courses mentioned by Kintara:

Mini COGE -

COGE & Masters -

GERRIC online modules -

VAGTC Workshops -


Emergence Education (Kintara's Consultation Firm)


"We would love to run some professional learning for pre-service and early career teachers, if there is interest please get in touch via email or socials. Happy to plan for in person or online or blended."


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