If you listen to the news, you’ll have heard recently that anxiety in children has increased by over 40%. And that’s a huge increase. With personal experience of anxiety through my partner, and children that I’ve worked with, this is close to my heart. That’s when I knew I just had to do a podcast […]

If you listen to the news, you’ll have heard recently that anxiety in children has increased by over 40%. And that’s a huge increase. With personal experience of anxiety through my partner, and children that I’ve worked with, this is close to my heart. That’s when I knew I just had to do a podcast episode on this. So, today, I’m talking all about autism and anxiety.

If you think about dismissing this episode because you don’t have any students who currently have anxiety – please don’t. Many of our students and children can be good at masking signs of anxiety. Or, you may get a student in the future with anxiety. The best way to help our students, is to have as much knowledge as possible. And this podcast episode may give you some tips to help you in the future.

What Am I Talking About?

Today on the podcast, I’m talking about..

My personal experience.What is anxiety.Signs and symptoms of anxiety.Factors of anxiety and autism.Ways to help and support students with anxiety.

Helpful Links

More Podcast Episodes. National Autistic Society – Autism and Anxiety.Unmasking Anxiety in Autism.

I hope you find today’s quick episode all about autism and anxiety helpful. If you have any tips or experiences that you can share with us, please do so in the comments down below. As you’ll know by now, I’m a firm believer in learning from each other. And we all have experiences in different areas.

If you found this podcast episode helpful, please consider sharing it with your friends and colleagues on social media.