This week Pete (@mr_van_w) laments the extra workload caused by menial tasks that have no benefit to the teacher or the students but are mandated within schools or systems. New contributor Shawtima (@ShawtimaSmiles) invites us to join her on her quest to improving her workflow and taking some of the power back. John (@jfcatto) comments on a report written by an idiot, who somehow managed to get a job as chair of a committee, that doesn't even garner support from the members of the committee.

Also - who knew John would know what Dementors are?


Pete: The Pedagogical Dementors - Sarah Barker

It Starts as an Annotated Seating Plan - Sarah Barker

John: Report calls for school inspectors to monitor teachers - Jordan Baker


Taika Waititi - Give Nothing To Racism 


Thanks so much Shawtima, you're a druid of the highest order, lady of all crocheted crustaceans, and the shiniest shiny there is!


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