This Teachers Inspire Ireland initiative is brought to you by DCU. Over the last month our curator Louise O’Neill has been sharing a selection of your story submissions celebrating those inspiring teachers that made a positive impact on your lives.

Today we will first hear from RTE’s Rachel English talk about her most inspiring teacher. Then Louise will share read three more submissions from this year.

Our curator Louise O’Neill and our Fergal O’Keeffe have loved reading your entries over the last few weeks. We look forward to sharing the shortlisted entries in January.

Please follow this podcast on whichever platform you use, and you will be the first to get the next episode on your phone. Thanks for listening and see you in January. 

Follow us on social media for the latest news
Twitter @TeachersInspIE
Facebook @teachersinspireireland
Instagram @teachersinspireireland

This Teachers Inspire Ireland initiative is brought to you by DCU. Over the last month our curator Louise O’Neill has been sharing a selection of your story submissions celebrating those inspiring teachers that made a positive impact on your lives.

Today we will first hear from RTE’s Rachel English talk about her most inspiring teacher. Then Louise will share read three more submissions from this year.

Our curator Louise O’Neill and our Fergal O’Keeffe have loved reading your entries over the last few weeks. We look forward to sharing the shortlisted entries in January.

Please follow this podcast on whichever platform you use, and you will be the first to get the next episode on your phone. Thanks for listening and see you in January. 

Follow us on social media for the latest news

Twitter @TeachersInspIE

Facebook @teachersinspireireland

Instagram @teachersinspireireland