Laurie & Matt shift their "If I Were Principal" segment from their regular episodes to stand alone content in their bonus episodes. After Matt admits that he had erroneously been calling the segment If I WAS Principal" (Microsoft Word's grammar correction showing him the error of his way), he goes on to make a suggestion to improve students' organizational skills. Wistfully remembering the bygone days of every student being given an agenda planner, Matt suggests that technology's encroachment into education has led us to believe that explicit teaching of organizational skills has evaporated because everything is "searchable." Laurie & Matt then discuss ways that we could help our students get a handle on the flood of important information coming their way on a daily basis, and why it's a vital skill to develop heading into adulthood when being late may mean the lights get turned off.

Get your copy of Matt's book Helping Teens Succeed in High School & Life at

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Show music provided by Brian Karmelich of

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