Hello everyone.

Be careful when you listen to people commenting about news or information. It may be a bad take.

Today, I bring to you the slang “bad take”. What is that? Well, according to the urban dictionary bad take is an opinion that is either uninformed or poorly reasoned. Also, I found a definition that mentions that it could be an error in judgment and interpretation of a piece of information. This misinterpretation may lead to a disruption in passing accurate information to others.

Well, it is fairly easy to see people who practice it around. Why? Well, in times of political polarization, many people are influenced by poor opinions, and some of them are so horrible that only by saying “bad take” to the person. How many times have you opened your phone and read a post that your reaction was to say. “This is a bad take, how does anyone believe it?”. I myself have read many of them. Let me ask you, what makes you react to bad take opinions or so-called arguments? Leave your comment.

By this, I conclude this episode with this slang. I hope you have enjoyed this slang and start using it. If you liked this episode, forward to your friends, rate me 5 stars and share it. If you want to get in touch with me, find me on Instagram @bestenglish.br and on LinkedIn Teacher Bruno Gon. Thank you for listening.