🔥Free Safe Space for Women Leaders ➡️ https://utm.io/ug2OI

Consider this the most transformational healing space online, but free🤗

If you are interested in my 1:1 mentorship, Click here to apply to work with me: https://norypouncil.com/workwithnory/

📍Let's co-create magic in your life! 

Hola Mis Amores, in today's episode I am covering what it takes to release the fear of success as a woman leader. I'll walk you through what is underneath the fear of success, (it is not what you think!). I'll give you some tips and strategies to help you navigate these feelings any time they show up for you!


Show Notes: Here's what you're going to learn today:

0:00 - How do you feel about responsibility?

00:54 - A word to my 20-year-old self

01:44 - A word on #success + #selfsabotage

02:35 - What is #fearofsuccess to you? #commentbelow

04:15 - Discovering my fear of success

06:00 - Success + #responsibility

09:27 - Success + #fearofrejection 

16:35 - My Cure: #acceptance

20:30 - Questions to #askyourself

25:45 - The beauty of success



You Are A Vibe!

Hasta Luego, Mis Amores,


PS: If we're meeting for the first time, My name is Yenory Pouncil🌻, and I've spent the last 14 years mentoring and advising women leaders desiring to BE their BEST SELF with deeper joy, mental calm, + inner peace.