Next Episode: We Had COVID!

This is an omnibus of Davidson's Master's Capstone Project. For this project, Norman and he recorded a limited-run podcast series entitled The Three Vital Vs of the English Classroom. If you want to check out the project in its unomnibused form, visit this website: This omnibus is simply here for your binge-listening pleasure.

Episode : An Introduction To The Three Vital Vs- 1:17

Episode 2: Practice, Practice, Practice- 4:02

Episode 3: Excerpt Based Teaching- 13:31

Episode 4: Writing Purposes Provide Variety- 22:29

Episode 5: Allowing More Voices Into The English Classroom- 31:55

Episode 6: Tapping Into Language Variety To Improve Student Writing- 45:24

Episode 7: Tapping Into 21st Century Mediums- 58:45

Episode 8: The Three Vital Vs Going Forward- 1:08:41