Welcome to "TBC you&me," your go-to podcast for exploring the realms of Truth, Bliss, and Consciousness. Hosted by Aparna Sood, this show delves deep into the art of intentional living, personal growth, and self-discovery. Each episode offers insightful discussions, practical advice, and inspiring stories designed to help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

In our latest episode, "Living with Intention: Creating a Life by Design," we uncover the secrets to taking control of your life’s direction. Learn how to identify your core values, set clear intentions, and employ powerful tools like vision boards to keep your goals in sight. We also share actionable strategies for daily mindfulness, gratitude practices, and visualization techniques that can transform your mindset and reality.

Join us on this journey of self-empowerment and start living with intention today. Subscribe now to never miss an episode and to stay inspired on your path to personal excellence.